- Johannessen, Jill (2015). Worldview Struggles under a New Climate Regime: South African and Norwegian Media Coverage of COP17. Nordicom Review 36 (1) 2015, 35-50.
- Johannessen, Jill (2014). Norge utaskjærs: COP17 historier. I Eide E., D. Elgesem, S. Gloppen & L. Rakner (red), Klima, Medier og Politikk. Oslo: Abstrakt Forlag 2014.
- Johannessen, Jill (2013). Climate Change, Poverty and Climate Justice in South African Media: The Case of COP17. In Dugard J., St.Clair, A.L., & Gloppen S. (eds), Climate Talk. Rights, Poverty and Justice. SA: JUTA.
- Johannessen, Jill (2013). Climate Change, Poverty and Climate Justice in South African Media: The Case of COP17. South African Journal on Human Rights 29(1), 32-60.
- Johannessen, Jill (2009). Gender, Media and Development: The Role of the Media in the Cultural Struggle of Gender Transformation in Tanzania (Paperback), VDM Verlag. Based on my dissertation (2006).
- Johannessen, Jill (2003). The Cross Road between a Woman’s Movement and the Media. In Majorie Mbilinyi (ed.): Against Neo Liberalism: Gender, Democracy and Development. TGNP, Tanzania.
- Johannessen, Jill (2002). Alternative Representations of Women in the News: NGOs as a source for gender transformation. Nordicom Review Vol. 23 No.1-2/2002.
- IAMCR, Durban 2012. Presentation: “Climate justice: An essential mediated dialog between the North and the South”.
- Planet under Pressure, London 2012. Presentation: “Climate justice: A vital media narrative?”
- Global Dialogue Conference, Aarhus 2009 - Climate change as challenge for intercultural inquiry on values.
- The 15th Nordic Conference on Media and Communication Research, Reykjavik 2001. Paper presented on gender, media and development.
- The Second Annual Gender Studies Conference, Dar es Salaam 1997. Paper presented: The cross road between a Woman’s Movement and the Media.
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